11. Interfaces to psi4 and pyscf

CheMPS2 is currently interfaced with two ab initio quantum chemistry packages:

  1. The dmrg plugin to psi4 allows to perform DMRG-CI, DMRG-SCF, and DMRG-CASPT2 calculations with CheMPS2. Since April 2015, CheMPS2 is also an integral part of psi4.
  2. There are also DMRG-CI and DMRG-SCF interfaces between pyscf and CheMPS2.

11.1. psi4 dmrg plugin

DMRG-CI, DMRG-SCF, and DMRG-CASPT2 calculations can be performed directly with psi4. The plugin has been tested on psi4-0.5 (released February 17, 2016).

Note that as of late June 2016, DMRG keywords in psi4 have been realigned to those of the chemps2 executable. A translation table is available.

To perform DMRG-CI, DMRG-SCF, and DMRG-CASPT2 calculations, build psi4 or use the conda binary, and then run:

$ cd /mypsi4plugins
$ psi4 --new-plugin dmrg
$ cd dmrg

Now, replace the file dmrg.cc with /sourcefolder/chemps2/integrals/psi4plugins/dmrg.cc. To compile the plugin, the Makefile should be adjusted. Change the line

$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(CXXDEFS)


$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(CXXDEFS) -lchemps2

Remember to add the library and include paths to the Makefile as well, if libchemps2 is not installed in a standard location. For debian/sid, the HDF5 headers are located in the folder /usr/include/hdf5/serial. It might be necessary to add it to the INCLUDES variable in the Makefile. To compile the plugin, run:

$ make

An example input file to perform a DMRG-CI calculation with the dmrg plugin:

molecule H2O {
 0 1
   O   0.000000000   0.00   0.000000000
   H   0.790689766   0.00   0.612217330
   H  -0.790689766   0.00   0.612217330
 units angstrom

sys.path.insert(0, './..')
import dmrg

set basis          cc-pVDZ
set reference      rhf
set scf_type       PK
set e_convergence  1e-13
set d_convergence  1e-13
set ints_tolerance 0.0

set dmrg_irrep                0
set dmrg_multiplicity         1
set restricted_docc           [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ]
set active                    [ 5 , 0 , 4 , 2 ]

set dmrg_sweep_states         [  200,  500, 1000, 1000 ]
set dmrg_sweep_energy_conv    [ 1e-8, 1e-8, 1e-8, 1e-8 ]
set dmrg_sweep_max_sweeps     [    5,    5,    5,  100 ]
set dmrg_sweep_noise_prefac   [ 0.03, 0.03, 0.03,  0.0 ]
set dmrg_sweep_dvdson_rtol    [ 1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-9 ]
set dmrg_print_corr           false
set dmrg_mp2_write            false

set dmrg_scf_max_iter         1

set dmrg_molden_write         true  # DMRG-CI pseudocanonical orbitals
set dmrg_opdm_ao_print        true  # DMRG-CI density in the AO basis


Note that the option dmrg_max_iter has been set to 1, so that only one active space calculation is performed. This file (H2O.dmrgci.in) should be placed in the folder /mypsi4plugins/dmrg. The DMRG-CI calculation can then be started with:

$ cd /mypsi4plugins/dmrg
$ psi4 H2O.dmrgci.in H2O.dmrgci.out

An example input file to perform a DMRG-SCF calculation with the dmrg plugin:

molecule O2 {
  O       0.0   0.0   0.0
  O       0.0   0.0   3.0 
units au

sys.path.insert(0, './..')
import dmrg

set basis          cc-pVDZ
set reference      rhf
set scf_type       PK

set dmrg_irrep                0
set dmrg_multiplicity         1
set restricted_docc           [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ]
set active                    [ 2 , 0 , 2 , 2 , 0 , 2 , 2 , 2 ]

set dmrg_sweep_states         [   500,  1000,  1000 ]
set dmrg_sweep_energy_conv    [ 1e-10, 1e-10, 1e-10 ]
set dmrg_sweep_max_sweeps     [     5,     5,    10 ]
set dmrg_sweep_noise_prefac   [  0.05,  0.05,   0.0 ]
set dmrg_sweep_dvdson_rtol    [  1e-5,  1e-5,  1e-9 ]
set dmrg_print_corr           false
set dmrg_mps_write            false

set dmrg_scf_grad_thr         1e-6
set dmrg_unitary_write        true
set dmrg_diis                 true
set dmrg_scf_diis_thr         1e-2
set dmrg_diis_write           true

set dmrg_scf_max_iter         100
set dmrg_excitation           1   # First excited state
set dmrg_scf_state_avg        true
set dmrg_scf_active_space     NO  # INPUT; NO; LOC
set dmrg_local_init           false

set dmrg_molden_write         true  # Converged DMRG-SCF pseudocanonical orbitals
set dmrg_opdm_ao_print        true  # Converged DMRG-SCF density in the AO basis


This file (O2.dmrgscf.in) should be placed in the folder /mypsi4plugins/dmrg. The DMRG-SCF calculation can then be started with:

$ cd /mypsi4plugins/dmrg
$ psi4 O2.dmrgscf.in O2.dmrgscf.out

An example input file to perform a DMRG-CASPT2 calculation with the dmrg plugin:

molecule N2 {
  N       0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
  N       0.0000   0.0000   2.1180
units au

sys.path.insert(0, './..')
import dmrg

set basis          cc-pVDZ
set reference      rhf
set scf_type       PK
set e_convergence  1e-12
set d_convergence  1e-12

set dmrg_irrep                0
set dmrg_multiplicity         1
set restricted_docc           [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ]
set active                    [ 2 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 2 , 1 , 1 ]

set dmrg_sweep_states         [   500,  1000,  1000 ]
set dmrg_sweep_energy_conv    [ 1e-10, 1e-10, 1e-10 ]
set dmrg_sweep_max_sweeps     [     5,     5,    10 ]
set dmrg_sweep_noise_prefac   [  0.05,  0.05,   0.0 ]
set dmrg_sweep_dvdson_rtol    [  1e-5,  1e-5,  1e-9 ]
set dmrg_print_corr           false
set dmrg_mps_write            false

set dmrg_scf_grad_thr         1e-6
set dmrg_unitary_write        true
set dmrg_diis                 true
set dmrg_scf_diis_thr         1e-2
set dmrg_diis_write           true

set dmrg_scf_max_iter         100
set dmrg_excitation           0   # Ground state
set dmrg_scf_state_avg        false
set dmrg_scf_active_space     INPUT # INPUT; NO; LOC
set dmrg_local_init           false

set dmrg_molden_write         false # Converged DMRG-SCF pseudocanonical orbitals
set dmrg_opdm_ao_print        true  # Converged DMRG-SCF density in the AO basis

set dmrg_caspt2_calc          true
set dmrg_caspt2_orbs          ACTIVE
set dmrg_caspt2_ipea          0.00
set dmrg_caspt2_imag_shift    0.00


This file (N2.caspt2.in) should be placed in the folder /mypsi4plugins/dmrg. The DMRG-CASPT2 calculation can then be started with:

$ cd /mypsi4plugins/dmrg
$ psi4 N2.caspt2.in N2.caspt2.out

Since April 2015, CheMPS2 is also an integral part of psi4. Please consult psi4‘s documentation on how to run DMRG-CI, DMRG-SCF, and DMRG-CASPT2 calculations with psi4.

11.2. pyscf

pyscf is a new quantum chemistry package, in which all layers are written or interfaced in python. In the future, the package will be able to perform DMRG-CI and DMRG-SCF calculations using PyCheMPS2: chemps2.py.

Examples of how to extract MO integrals from pyscf to perform DMRG-CI calculations with PyCheMPS2 can be found in:

  1. /sourcefolder/chemps2/integrals/pyscf/example.py
  2. /sourcefolder/chemps2/integrals/pyscf/example2.py
  3. /sourcefolder/chemps2/integrals/pyscf/example3.py
  4. /sourcefolder/chemps2/integrals/pyscf/dmrgci.py
  5. /sourcefolder/chemps2/integrals/pyscf/call_chemps2.py

Please remember to append the correct pyscf and PyCheMPS2 directories to sys.path at the top of these files.